Easter Services

Mothering Sunday 30th March – United service for the Leigh Methodist churches. 10.30am @ Highlands Methodist Church. Rev’d Heather Simmons will be taking the service. It will be an all-age parade service with our Uniformed Groups. Refreshments provided and beautiful posies to take home.

Maundy Thursday, 17th April – 7pm @ Belfairs Methodist Church

Please come along to be together as we enter the solemn Christian feast during Holy Week that marks the beginning of the Paschal Triduum, and commemorates the Washing of the Feet (Maundy) and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles, as described in the canonical gospels.

Good Friday, 18th April – 10.30am @ Wesley Methodist Church (preceded by hot cross buns and hot drinks)

Walk of Witness from Highlands Methodist Church to Wesley Methodist beginning at 9.20am. All welcome.

Easter Saturday, 19th April – 1pm Clive Johnson leads us in a session on centering prayer at Highlands Methodist.

Easter Sunday, 20th April Candlelit evening Holy Communion Taizé service at 7.30pm The Fishermen’s Chapel. (This will replace our usual Anchored Service)

Chapel Folk

Chapel Folk: 21st March. Wow! Four wonderful folk acts, all generously supporting this fundraiser for the Fishermen’s Chapel. Familiar faces from our local music community; Yes Today, Goodnight Crow and Marine Mammal. Special guests Mirrored Sisters (Firestations, The Leaf Library and Marlody) also bringing their beautiful acoustic magic through guitars, cello, clarinet, harmonium and bells from Epping Forest and beyond.

There will be a zero alcohol bar with beers, soft drinks, gins and snacks.

Access is via a stepped ramp. There is a car park across the road.

Tickets are available here

There’s a Facebook event to invite people here

Mirrored Daughters


Yes Today


Goodnight Crow


Marine Mammal


Join us for a service

Great news – the Fishermen’s Chapel returned to a service every week from September 2023, when Heather was appointed to be our minister. The pattern is now as follows:

First Sunday of the month: Communion service, 9.30am

Our beautiful family service that includes Holy Communion is for all those who like to deepen their faith in a symbolic way that is steeped in history. We spend time: in prayer; listening to the Bible; having a short reflection from our minister; singing hymns modern and traditional; and sharing the Lord’s supper of bread and wine ( non-alcoholic). Everyone is welcome to join us at the table, however if you prefer a just a blessing or to remain seated that is fine too. To share in the sacraments is a transforming act which is so special – it can give great comfort and peace in our restless and challenging world.

Second Sunday of the month: Gospel service with the Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir and the Monday singers, 7.30pm. Doors open from 7 for refreshments.

Third Sunday of the month: Anchored (our cafe-style service with opportunities to be creative, ask questions, and put our faith into practice). Time change to 7.30 pm, but please make sure you receive our regular emails for details of any changes to this.

Fourth Sunday of the month: Mindfulness, 7.30 pm.

Fifth Sunday of the month (when there is one): United service with other Leigh-on-Sea Methodist churches.

Gospel service

Our Gospel services, on the second Sunday of the month, are now taking place in the Chapel once again. The service features the Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir, the Monday Singers, and a time when we share acts of kindness we have experienced. Feel free to arrive from 7 for refreshments, with the service itself starting at 7.30pm.

At Gospel Vespers we will now be collecting donations for Southend Foodbank. See here for the items that they really need (avoid pasta and baked beans!)

We’d love new people to join the Gospel Choir too – ask Heather for details at one of our services.


Anchored has returned to the Fishermen’s Chapel. It was brilliant to have so many people at our first event on Sunday 17 September for discussion about ‘gifts’, including a mini cartoon workshop, and a prayer and gift-wrapping activity.

We’re generally meeting at the new time of 7.30 until 8.30 on the third Sunday of the month, (the time being in line with our other services), but please make sure you are signed up to our monthly emails to get the details about each session, as we may occasionally meet at a different time.

‘What on earth is Anchored?’, we hear you ask (especially as the flyer is remarkably vague…). Well, it will be different things different months, but essentially we’ll be exploring Christian faith through creative activities, asking questions, practical action, film, food, and anything else we think of. This month (September), Dave will introduce a short and very undemanding cartoon-based activity, we’ll read the Bible together (nothing too lengthy), have a chat and a chance to ask questions, and Eleanor will lead us in creative prayer. There are also rumours (unsubstantiated) of posh biscuits…

Anchored is suitable for all ages. Do come along, or if you have any questions ask us on our social media pages.


Coffee mornings – every Wednesday

Our weekly coffee gathering is every Wednesday morning at 10.30am. Come along for coffee, flapjack, and a chat. Over the summer we have been meeting at Belfairs cafe – please see our Facebook page every Wednesday morning or contact us for location info.

If there’s any change to this details will be on our Facebook page. If you can’t see this for any reason please let us know and we can notify you another way. Everyone is welcome – please come along!

Serendipity Sounds sound bath events

Fiona Tudor-Tompkins leads regular ‘sound bath’ Sound Healing Therapy sessions at the Fishermen’s Chapel – check this post and our social media for the date of the next one.

The next sound bath

Fiona writes:

8th November 7pm. Please book ahead (numbers below) and bring mat and enough clothes to stay warm.
Fi 🙏

Monthly sound bath – general info

There will be refreshments (for a donation) after the session.
The session will be about one to one and a half hours, sound bath with half hour for tea or chai and a chat afterwards.

Please be sure to let Fiona know in advance if you are coming, and bring mats, blankets, and a cushion or two if you need them.

You can find out more and all details below. Any questions – please contact Fiona via the numbers / email address below.

Natural Healing Therapy – Serendipity Sounds

Hello, my name is Fiona. I am a retired Occupational Therapist and a Registered British Assoc and Psychotherapy (BACP) Counsellor.
In my working practice, I provided many Relaxation Programmes, to clients with various Health Conditions. To tailor to individual needs and develop my practice, I began researching into other types of Therapies that would complement the Relaxation and Healing processes. With a strong interest in music, the use of Sound for Healing really appealed, especially as Sound Healing is now being acknowledged scientifically and has been used for thousands of years within different cultures around the world.

Sound Healing is a branch of the Meditative Therapeutic Arts; it is one of the top Wellness trends at the moment.

Sound Healing can be defined as the intentional use of sound to create a vibrational environment which becomes a catalyst in the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual aspects of our being. Sound is used to realign the body’s vibration. These vibrations can also affect your brainwave frequencies
Mark Menolascino, MD explains that “everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency… Those vibrations interact with every cell in your body.” In other words, the vibrations made by instruments or vocals can actually interact with your body’s cells to create specific results: in this case, to encourage healing.
While more research is needed to establish just how effective Sound Healing Therapy can be, so far there is plenty of evidence suggesting it is an effective option to help people suffering from pain injury or stress, reduce low mood – depression and anxiety.
Even without science of sound of vibrations, there’s also evidence that sound baths and music therapy can be effective for healing as it encourages your body into the parasympathetic state, in this state our bodies produce nitric oxide which open blood vessels and increases efficiency of our cells and regulates blood pressure. It helps stimulate the immune system. Sound healing can bring about a balancing and harmonising of the body’s energy systems.
Here at Serendipity Sounds, a selection of sound is created through Crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, chimes, gongs and occasionally the addition of stringed instruments.

It is excellent for managing stress and improves your overall wellbeing
It is a space where you can come to quieten the distractions of your physical environment
It is a space where you can immerse your whole Self, Body, Mind and Soul
It is a space where you can turn off your Brains distractive thoughts

There will be opportunities for you to attend a variety of venues at Sharon of Scents and Serenity or at the Fisherman’s Chapel in Leigh-on –Sea, or The Bay – Free Spirit Studio in Thorpe Bay. I would love to share this wonderful experience with you and look forward to meeting you.
For enquiries please contact Fiona on: 01702 304479 / 07809153952
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/serendipitysounds4u/
Email: serendipitysounds4u@gmail.com

The Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir

Looking for something different to do this year? Why not join our Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir, singing traditional gospel music at the Chapel? Rehearsals are every Tuesday evening in the downstairs room, 7-8pm. Contact Heather for more details, 07879 232231. There is a new Facebook page for the Gospel Choir here: Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir – Facebook.

The choir sings at our ‘Gospel Vespers’ service every month.

Fake Folk Festival

We wish to make it clear that we have no connection with Fake Festivals Ltd and that this is not one of their events.

The Fishermen’s Chapel hosted a 3 day fundraising festival for the Leigh Folk Festival on 28th – 30th June. Thank you so much to everyone who supported the event. Some amazing musicians generously offered support and played upstairs, and a cafe downstairs raised funds for the Chapel. Everything donated will go to the Leigh Folk Festival, and you can still donate online – see link below.

You can follow on Instagram for more updates: @fakefolkfestival2024
Also on Facebook: @fakefolkfestival2024

You can invite friends via the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/413280188121687


You can donate to the Leigh Folk Festival via this page (will open in new window / tab)


You can download the poster for the Fake Folk Festival here:

Black and white A4 (ideal for printing)

Colour A4

Lineup and schedule details


About the Fake Folk Festival

FUNDRAISING FOR Leigh Folk Festival
We interrupt our artist introductions to let you know a little bit more about the Fake Folk Festival!

A misty morning in December 23 The Fishermen’s Chapel inspirational Minister Heather Simmons reminded us there would be no Leigh Folk Festival this year. Yes that’s right. Wait. What?! No Leigh Folk Festival in 2024! Oh. Sense of Loss.

Hard to imagine a Summer in our community without the LFF, collective annual moment shared with old friends and new, favourite local bands playing their songs – our anthems, new musical gem discoveries, a chance glimpse of heroine and hero.

And lots of fun and laughter.

All free, the largest free folk festival in the UK.

Folk music filled the Chapel, Chapel Members, friends and family meeting together. New beginnings and ideas.

The Chapel, long time shared venue for the real deal LFF, so for one year only, it was decided, we’ll host the Fake Folk Festival! Let’s help our LFF friends to bring it back for 2025!

We have been overcome by the generosity of local musicians and artists who have allowed the idea to blossom. Thank-you to everyone who is playing, displaying art work, sewn decorations, lent equipment, made cakes, offered to steward, collect donations, promoted…

And thank you to everyone who plans to show up and support, we hope you enjoy the shows, and if you’re able to, please do donate to bring back Leigh Folk Festival in 25

A message from Heather, our minister

Heather Simmons is our minister at the Fishermen’s Chapel. Heather writes:

Dear Chapel Family and all reading this letter,

I am delighted and privileged to be the Minister here at The Fishermen’s Chapel.

We hope always to give a warm welcome and to be completely inclusive to all. Wherever you are on your faith journey we hope to be able to serve you with our variety of different services. We are also open to suggestions and welcome your input.

We are a Methodist chapel with a mission ~ we aim to support our arts and music community as well as those suffering with mental health issues and we donate regularly to Southend Foodbank. Again, if you think of more ways we can actively support these communities we would love to hear from you.

For me personally, in a world that is full of pain and misuse, I find my faith a real source of comfort, inspiration and purpose, but above all it gives me hope. Because I feel completely loved by God, I feel I have the capacity, with God’s grace, to love everyone. Choosing to do that is a moment-by-moment decision and like us all, I don’t always choose wisely. Coming to church helps remind me to make choices that benefit all God’s people and God’s planet. If you would like to wake up every day excited to bring joy to all around you, and to feel a wonderful sense of purpose and belonging, then come and join us here at The Fishermen’s Chapel to praise God who makes it happen!

We would love you to join us.

God bless you all,
Rev Hev x
Reverend Heather Simmons
Probationer Presbyter


It was wonderful to have so many people at the official welcome service for Heather on Monday (4 September) at Highlands Methodist Church, where we were joined by the District Chair, Rev Dr David Chapman. There are some photos below – sorry about the poor image quality.

Good morning! I am very excited to be starting at The Fishermen’s Chapel as the new minister. Before, I say anything else though – a HUGE thank you to our most amazing minister Rev’d Pete Moorhouse who has been a truly fabulous minister. Pete is not leaving us completely as he is Superintendent, but is handing on to me to serve you lovely people. Pete will now be looking after other churches and of course the whole circuit, so we will continue to see him, thankfully. So I begin by inviting you to join me on Sunday morning at 9.30am for our Holy Communion service – all welcome 💒❤️

Acts of Kindness

Each month at our Gospel service we are setting ourselves a challenge – to do an act of kindness on a particular theme.

For November 2022: Support local makers and artists via our Artisan Craft Market. As this has now passed, why not think about other ways to buy gifts that are good for us and the planet via the Fishermen’s Chapel Gift Guide.

For October 2022: Help someone who is homeless

This could be in an obvious practical way, such as chatting to someone, or buying them something to eat. Alternatively there are some links below that might inspire you:

Methodist Church – Homeless Sunday
Harp – Southend’s Homeless Charity – Get involved
Housing Justice – Your response to local housing need