Youth event: Blaze

Blaze visited the chapel in February.

The next Blaze event – Rock ‘da’ Boat will be a Club Worship Night

Featuring DJ Wineflow with Thumping Beats | Fairground Food | BASSPrayer

When? Sunday 15 Feb 2015
Time? 7pm – 8:45pm
Where? The Fishermen’s Chapel
New Road, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 2EA
Cost? Suggested entry fee £2 on door

Let us know you’re coming and share the Facebook event here.

There is free parking from 6pm in Car Park opposite. Please be careful when crossing the road outside. It’s Green Cross Code time. Don’t be a hedgehog.

You can download the publicity
as a PDF or a JPEG here.

So, see you there! God bless

The Blaze Team

PS. If you are not a youth leader, but a member of a youth group why not ask your youth leaders to bring you along?

PPS. Each youth leader is responsible for their own youth group, including transporting them to and from the event and accompanying them at the Blaze event. Thank you.