Join us for a service

Great news – the Fishermen’s Chapel returned to a service every week from September 2023, when Heather was appointed to be our minister. The pattern is now as follows:

First Sunday of the month: Communion service, 9.30am

Our beautiful family service that includes Holy Communion is for all those who like to deepen their faith in a symbolic way that is steeped in history. We spend time: in prayer; listening to the Bible; having a short reflection from our minister; singing hymns modern and traditional; and sharing the Lord’s supper of bread and wine ( non-alcoholic). Everyone is welcome to join us at the table, however if you prefer a just a blessing or to remain seated that is fine too. To share in the sacraments is a transforming act which is so special – it can give great comfort and peace in our restless and challenging world.

Second Sunday of the month: Gospel service with the Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir and the Monday singers, 7.30pm. Doors open from 7 for refreshments.

Third Sunday of the month: Anchored (our cafe-style service with opportunities to be creative, ask questions, and put our faith into practice). Time change to 7.30 pm, but please make sure you receive our regular emails for details of any changes to this.

Fourth Sunday of the month: Mindfulness, 7.30 pm.

Fifth Sunday of the month (when there is one): United service with other Leigh-on-Sea Methodist churches.

The Chapel Volunteer Jobs Board

Most of the activities at the Fishermen’s Chapel are only possible because of the work of a team of volunteers. Could you help us out? Here are some of the latest jobs that we could do with some help with. All roles are voluntary. There are more jobs to be added, so do check back! To volunteer for any of these roles please contact us via email, or talk to us in person at a Wednesday coffee morning or another event. If you have any questions – do ask. Thank you!

Coffee morning refreshments
Setting up, serving and clearing away refreshments at our lovely sociable Wednesday coffee mornings. These take place every Wednesday from 10 until 12. You don’t have to bake flapjack (though we can give you the recipe if you want to!).

Chair stacker
We need someone to help stack and unstack chairs before and after the Sound Bath sessions that happen in the Chapel once a month.

There are quite often painting jobs that we need volunteers for in the Chapel. Could you come and join a painting party?

Reserve pianist
We are looking for someone who could play the piano occasionally at Sunday morning services when required. Would need to be happy playing hymns, and be confident sight-reading.

Leaflet deliverers
We deliver leaflets to people in the streets around the Chapel before our Artisan markets, special events, and at Christmas, etc. We could do with some help delivering leaflets. As much or as little as you can do – it all helps.

Do you have other skills that you’d be willing to use at the Chapel? Please let us know!

Our mission

The Fishermen’s Chapel is a mission-led church that aims to respond to God’s love already present in the community. 

We are doing this by welcoming everyone, and in particular by supporting three different groups of people:

Artists and Musicians

Leigh-on-Sea is a community filled with artist and musicians who have been badly affected by the pandemic. The nature of self-employment can be isolating and sometimes financially and spiritually demanding. Our chapel offers the walls of the Community Room to display (free of charge) local artists work and endeavours to promote the artists using social media. We also support local musicians and actors by keeping our rents very affordable for hiring the room. We have a band, The Daisy Bowlers, who perform from time to time donating all the ‘teapot’ collections to local charities. We also run a free to attend gospel choir and  weekly coffee morning where we encourage a time of getting together and support. 


At our very popular monthly Gospel Service, supported by The Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir and The Monday Singers, we ask everyone to bring food/toiletries to the service. These gifts are then delivered by volunteers to HARP ( a local homeless charity).

People with Anxiety/ Depression/ Panic Attacks

We looked into what our Leigh-on-Sea community was struggling with and we noticed that many people were stressed by the high pressure jobs and lives they lead. In response we now hold a monthly Mindfulness and Meditation time. This is free to attend and is open to everyone of all faiths or none. We have had had lovely feedback about the sessions and how welcoming and supportive they are. We also have useful contacts of counsellors should anyone need more professional help. We also hold Sound Bath events, run by Fiona Tudor-Tomkins.

If you would like to attend or further support any of these groups please get in touch or come along to any of our services or events – ALL are welcome. 

A cartoon A to Z of the Fishermen’s Chapel

A cartoon A to Z, by Dave Walker, cartoonist for the Church Times, and member of our steering group.

Art. We love artists. We have art displays in our community room, an Artisan Market several times a year, and Claire, our resident artist, runs Creativity Club on Friday mornings.

Bookings. The upstairs chapel is ideal for concerts, the downstairs community room for meetings, workshops and much more. See our hire page for details.

Coffee. Served on a Wednesday, before and after our Gospel service, and at any other time we can think of.

Delicious flapjack, made by Heather. Available every Wednesday morning.

Estuary. The wonderful view from our studio.

Folk Festival – we host two stages here every year.

Gospel choir. They sing at our Gospel Vespers, and rehearse every Tuesday evening, if you’d like to join. Any resemblance to any persons in this picture is entirely coincidental…

Happy Times, on a Thursday morning, is for elderly people, toddlers, and their carers. Details here.

Information. How we get our news out. Please follow us (Instagram / Facebook / Twitter), tell your friends, and sign up for our newsletter.

John Wesley first came to Leigh-on-Sea 270 years ago, and started the Methodist ‘society’ that went on the become the Chapel. Read more on our History page.

Kindness, acts of. We each receive a new Act of Kindness at our Gospel Service every month, and then (hopefully) put it into practice during that month.

Leigh-on-Sea. Where we are!

Membership. We’d love it if more people became members, signifying that this is their church and they belong here. Find out more on our Membership page, and do ask us about becoming a member.

New Road Methodist Church. This is what the Chapel was called before relaunching as the Fishermen’s Chapel in 2014. There have been four different chapel buildings in the last 270 years.

Organ. Played regularly. There is sometimes a queue on Wednesdays.

Pete. Our minister, seen here doing one of his trademark magic tricks.

Quiet. We have a Mindfulness event every 4th Sunday of the month.

Rehearsals. The Gospel Choir rehearse here on a Tuesday, and it is a great place to book for a rehearsal for your own band or choir.

Services. 1st Sunday of the month: our 9.30am service. On the 2nd Sunday of the month it’s the 7.30pm Gospel Vespers, with the Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir. On the 3rd Sunday of the month: 11am (usually a parade service – but check with us for details as services are sometimes at ‘The Den’). The 4th Sunday of the month: 7pm Mindfulness.

Traffic. For safety reasons we really do need a crossing to the Chapel. It would be great if people could contact the council or your local councillor to request this.

Uniformed groups. We welcome the sea scouts and other groups to our parade service every month.

Volunteers. Thanks to the people who make the chapel function.

Wednesday coffee. Come along!

eXcellent acoustics. The Chapel is a wonderful place to hold a concert.

Your skills. We’d love you to join us in making this Chapel a brilliant place for the community. Please let us know if you’d like to get involved!

Zeal (a passion for something). At the Chapel we believe that it isn’t just the things we do here in the building that are important. Our faith inspires us to go our and make a change in the world around us. It’s something we’re passionate about, and we hope that the life of the Chapel continues to thrive. Please come and join us!

Thanks for reading!