Art exhibition: Dorisarty (4-11 June)

Dorisarty came back to the Fishermen’s Chapel on the 4th June this year for a week long art exhibition.


We are a trio of local artists comprising Emma Mills, Claire Burgoyne and Anne Pettenuzzo, and we want to invite you to see our new work.

Emma Mills’ work been inspired by the magical power of the number 7. It is stated in folklore and scientific research that the human body’s cells mostly replace themselves every seven to 10 years. Our bodies are in a constant state of flux. Emma has set herself the task of drawing different parts of her body seven times in seven minutes. This ongoing series of work is a response to this decade of rapid changes by noticing small things and being present in microscopic acts of magic.

Claire Burgoyne has been fascinated and inspired by the Greek Mythology of Arcadia. A Utopia rich in nature. A place of Greek Gods and creative thinkers. She paints in watercolours on paper, produces lino cut prints and some mixed media pieces.

Instagram @claire.juliette.burgoyne

Anne Pettenuzzo is inspired by events and places. Usually there is something about the colours and light or lack of it that appeals to me. I want to capture what I felt at the moment I saw the image wherever it was – either inside or outside of my head or an atmosphere that was present at the time.

Instagram @anne_pettenuzzo

Easter 2022 image

An image from Easter 2022, by Dave Walker


Easter events that people from the Chapel participated in:

Good Friday (15th April)
9.30am Stations of the Cross – a walk from St Clement’s, pausing at various works of art depicting the Stations of the Cross that will be in windows of shops in the Broadway. These include a piece by Dave Walker from the Chapel. Meet inside St Clement’s at 9.15am. Duration: approx an hour and a half.

On Good Friday morning we walk the Stations of the Cross ( entitled Leigh in Lament) visiting the shops who have graciously accepted the stations created by varied artists. Some are already in place! But if you wish to join us please come along at 0915 ( meet in St Clement’s) it is a powerful act of witness that had to be cancelled the last two years. With thanks to all artists and shops Ruby Room, Clink, Children Society, Belle Fabrics, Store Thirty3, Lalis, Leigh Music, Rectory Flowers, Truly Scrumptious, Puddle and Goose, Treasures on Sea, Hatton Jewellers.

Easter Sunday (17 April)
8am Sunrise Service. The Salvation Army will be holding their usual Sunrise Service this year at Bell Wharf.

Artisan Markets

Thanks to everyone who supported the Fishermen’s Chapel Christmas Artisan Market

Find out more about the artists who were selling their creations via our Facebook page.

We’ll let you know the date of the next Market when we know it.


Pop up art sale: Dorisarty

A message from Anne, Emma and Claire, following the art sale they held at the Chapel (details below).

“A heartfelt thanks from Dorisarty to the Fishermen’s Chapel for allowing us to stage our pop-up art sale in the community room for the last two weeks of April. We were overwhelmed by the support and comments from the many people who came to see our art. Many visitors commented that the venue was an ideal exhibition space and that they would certainly want to attend any future events held there. Given the restrictions the vast majority of people who came to see our art were from the local community and many of those were entering the building for the first time. The three of us who comprise Dorisarty – Claire Burgoyne, Emma Mills and Anne Pettenuzzo felt our two weeks at the Chapel to be a joyous and life enhancing experience and we want to thank everyone involved but most particularly Paul and Hilary Wornell for making us feel so welcome.”

Art sale at the Chapel was from 19th April – 1st May 2021 – pictures on our Instagram page.


Dorisarty is a trio of local Artists who have used this time of pandemic and lockdown to create new art work.

Anne Pettenuzzo‘s work aims to express some of the innocent pleasure that she and many others have rediscovered in and around the sea this year.

Claire Burgoyne’s work is inspired by the sights, colours, shapes and thoughts during her local lockdown walks around Leigh-on-Sea. She mainly paints in watercolour and crochet yarn. Claire likes using these mediums because of the bright, intense, clear colour they have. She is also drawn to striking, flowing shapes, and how these can affect emotions.

Emma Mills has been drawing and painting during lockdown in response to what is happening in the world. She has been inspired by the courageous actions of Colin Kaepernick and all those who undertake peaceful protest about injustice and inequality. Emma made these works with this Wesleyan venue in mind, a movement who historically worked hard for social reform.
Emma Mills on Instagram

The Chapel on the Radio

On 5th January the Sunday Service on Radio 4 came from Rayleigh, with the music being led by our very own Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir.

If you missed it you can listen here:

At the start of the new year Methodists make a distinctive resolution. The covenant service, often celebrated on the first Sunday of the year, is at the heart of Methodists’ devotion and discipleship, and their dedication in working for social justice. What God offers is a loving relationship. The Covenant is not a contract in which God and human beings agree to provide particular goods and services for each other! Rather, the Covenant is the means of grace by which Methodists accept the relationship and then seek to sustain it.
Live from Rayleigh Methodist Church, South East Essex, with the Minister, the Revd Dr Calvin Samuel, and the Revd Emma Nash, who is part of Methodism’s national Evangelism and Growth Team. Directors of Music: Heather Simmons and Dave Cook; Organist: Keith Norman; Producer: Philip Billson.

Gospel Vespers

The Gospel Vespers service at the Fishermen’s Chapel is an informal service including traditional gospel music from the Fishermen’s Chapel Gospel Choir and the Monday Singers, along with readings and reflections. Everyone is welcome.

Our next Gospel Vespers services are every second Sunday of the month at 7.30pm. Refreshments are served from 7.

At Gospel Vespers we will now be collecting donations for Southend Foodbank. See here for the items that they really need (avoid pasta and baked beans!)

You can join the Gospel Choir too – come along on a Tuesday, 7-8pm in the community room.

Video of our Midwinter Carols

It was great to have a full house for our Midwinter Carols with the Famous Potatoes and guests on Sunday 16th December. Thanks to the band and everyone who helped with refreshments, etc. Here’s a sample for those who couldn’t make it – a video of the carol medley at the end of the service.

The Famous Potatoes can be hired for parties and events – see their website, here.

There’s a Facebook event page here – Midwinter carols – keep an eye on our Facebook page for details of events in the New Year.

Fishermen’s Chapel Fest 270

We had a brilliant day celebrating the 270th birthday of The Fishermen’s Chapel on 25th November.

The 270th anniversary of the Methodist ‘Society’ in Leigh-on-Sea is November this year (the actual date is the 21st). We held a special celebration, ‘Fishermen’s Chapel Fest 270’, on the afternoon and evening of Sunday 25th November.

We had a rolling programme of music and other events throughout the afternoon and evening, with contributions from lots of the people who currently use the Chapel.

A few photos:

The Thamesside Mummers performing

Listening to foghorns, with Jennifer Lucy Allan

Jennifer Lucy Allan

Paul Wornell talks about the history of the Chapel

The Monday Singers

The Waterside Choirs

You can print the programme here – right click on this link and choose ‘Save target as…’ or similar: Chapel Fest Programme (pdf)

Programme for Sunday 25th November 2018

2.30 An Introduction & Welcome to our anniversary celebration by our minister Rev Peter Moorhouse who 3 years ago felt ‘called’ to serve as Superintendent of the Leigh & Southend ‘Circuit’ of Methodist churches (which actually includes Canvey, Thundersley, Rayleigh, Hockley, Rochford and Great Wakering), and thus forsaking his Cheshire roots (but not the accent!) with family in tow.

2.45 Drama from the Thameside Mummers –formed in 1971 to perform traditional Mumming plays. Based in Leigh they perform plays at a variety of events around Essex and further afield. Mumming plays usually feature St George and a host of other characters, including a Turkish Knight and a Quack Doctor. The play that the Mummers will be doing on this occasion is a traditional Christmas play complete with Father Christmas.

3.05 Some audio & visual excerpts from Whitewolf Films – there years ago Mike and Bart forsook London and regular jobs to start up a new venture using the ‘desk share’ facilities at the chapel. They have managed to secure commissions from some rather well known musicians and with their young families have embraced the delights of living on the edge of our beautiful estuary.

3.25 A PhD on Foghorns by Jennifer Lucy Allan – three years ago Jennifer needed a desk to work on her foghorn research, which captures the history of a fast disappearing sound from around our coasts. How do foghorns work? What do they sound like? Why can’t you hear the foghorn at the end of Southend pier? 

3.50 Tea break downstairs

4.20 A visual guide to the chapel by our resident cartoonist Dave Walker – who found in the Chapel quiet (well, sometimes) working space to allow inspirations to mature into classic cartoons. Dave is the cartoonist for the Church Times and has published books of cartoons, most recently ‘How to Avoid the Peace’ and ‘The Cycling Cartoonist’.  

4.40 An illustrated account of the 270 year story of the Chapel by our caretaker Paul Wornell – the end result of delving into various archives including the diaries of John Wesley.

5.10 Yoga teacher and psychotherapist Nicole Schnackenberg – will reflect on some of the possible benefits of yoga and mindfulness for food and body image struggles; including disordered eating, body dysmorphia, excessive dieting, fears about the ageing process and generalised food and body image concerns. We will finish with a short mindfulness practice for increasing our interoceptive awareness (the lived experience of the body from the inside) and thus connecting with internal signals like hunger and fullnessNicole is author of ‘False Bodies True Selves’ (2016), ‘Bodies Arising (due 2019) and editor of ‘Reflections on Body Dysmorphic Disorder’ (2016). 

5.30 Following on from the fascinating introduction to Nicole’s work we will take some time with Heather Simmons to experience a quiet mindfulness/meditation session to give a taste of the regular formula of every 4th Sunday at 7.15pm. All are welcome to join us although our sessions aim to support those suffering from anxiety and depression.  The mindfulness is not religion based, however we do say a short prayer of thanks at the end (optional). So, if you have never tried mindfulness or you love it please join us for this beautiful, candlelit taster session as part of the Chapel Fest!

5.50 Contemporary harmony from The Monday Singers – first formed in 1969 as an alternative to a traditional church choir in Eastwood. Although there have been many personnel changes over the years, we still have quite a few long term members. We sing mainly “folk” inspired songs, however our repertoire consists of songs by as diverse a range of artists and singers as Crosby Stills and Nash to Michael Jackson and include Annie Lennox, the Beatles, the Isley Brothers and Tom Paxton to mention just a few more. We like to sing songs with a positive message and for the last year or so we have enjoyed singing once a month at the Sunday Vespers here at Fisherman”s Chapel.”

6.20 – Tea break downstairs

6.50 Energised harmony from the Waterside choirs – a multi-award winning community choir. They sing contemporary songs such as Happy, Desperado, Eleanor Rigby, Life on Mars etc. All the arrangements are by Grammy- nominated musical director and his professional jazz singer wife! Come along and see if you would like to join them!

7.20 Now join in our Multi genre Songs of Praise; from Charles Wesley to Caleb Dinger, with our gospel choir.

8.00 Wrap it up – Rev Pete

NB all timings are approximate

You can also join our Facebook event for Fishermen’s Chapel Fest 270.

Cafe-style service

We had our first cafe-style service at the Chapel on 17th November 2019. A combination of coffee (other drinks available), prayer, and practical action.

We hope might become a regular fixture – keep an eye on our website, Facebook and make sure you’re on our email list for news about the next one.

Collections for the Red Box Project

The Chapel was a collection point for donations of sanitary products for The Red Box Project Southend, but this project has now come to a close. 

What is the Red Box project?

The Red Box Project quietly ensures that no young woman misses school because she has her period.

Working as a nationwide community of women, The Red Box Project seeks to provide free sanitary items for the young women in our local schools

Photo (top): Handing over the donations for the Red Box Project collected at the Chapel. Thank you everyone!

Happy Times – Pop-up day care

Happy Times, our pop-up day care sessions, are for the elderly and their carers, on Thursdays in our downstairs community room, 10am until 12. Each week there will be a different activity for you to enjoy. There is no charge but any small donation towards refreshments and heating will be welcome.

The room is toasty warm! There is parking opposite the church, and blue badge holders are free.

We look forward to welcoming you!
Paul Takawira and Heather x